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Mon - Fri: 4 - 9 Sat: 10 - 3
Sun Band Workshops: 3 - 9

By Rhys Lett

2024 Lessons Information

We have completed the final week of lessons for 2023. This year has just disappeared. I apologise for not regularly sending newsletter information this year (how many of you actually read it anyway haha!! People still don’t know the parking restrictions at Boronia). There has been an overwhelming volume of work that has gone into getting the school through the post lockdown era. I think it is now safe to say we have made it through. The best news is that our music school is thriving. We have maintained our teaching standards either in person or online. We have regained financial stability. Our purpose of delivering the best half hour of fun in your week, each week remains. Thank you students and families for your patronage in 2023.

I thank my teachers for their dedication in 2023 to delivering the best music lessons anywhere in the world. Eastern Suburbs School of Music is very lucky to have teachers in their own personal music careers that this year have toured nationally and internationally, performed on theatre stages, written and created new music and for some begun teaching for the very first time. The school runs seamlessly due to their commitment. I look forward to supporting our teachers further in 2024 to take ESSM to a new level.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my family for the support through the lockdown years to now in 2023. As music teachers and performers, we keep hours that are outside the normal 9 to 5. To my partner Jessie-May, son Miles and my parents Robert and Debra, the biggest round of applause to you. Without you the Eastern Suburbs School of Music would not continue to exist.

Music and music education is an incredibly important addition to people’s lives. Music and learning is ageless (we have kindergarten aged students and several in their 80s). 2024 promises to be one of the most exciting for the Eastern Suburbs School of Music for some time. We have put the lockdown era behind us, caught our breath and re-establised the school over the last two years. We are ready to relaunch our extra curricular programs in 2024. Some important information to read below regarding what comes next at the Eastern Suburbs School of Music.

End of 2023

We have completed the final week of lessons for 2023. From this week onwards we enter the catch up period. All catch up lessons from this year must be completed by February 1st 2024. No credit from 2023 will be honoured following this date.

If you have decided not to return to lessons in 2024 please let us know as soon as possible. We have a large wait list for new students wanting to join our school in 2024. Your teacher will be in touch to confirm your 2024 enrolment from Monday 15th January. They will then issue invoices for term 1. A reminder all school terms are 10 weeks in length, regardless of the length of the state school terms. The school will open for 2024 on Monday 22nd January. Lessons can commence anytime from this date onwards if you have indicated you will return.

Summer Break Lessons

There will be several teachers available to take lessons through the summer holidays period. If you are interested in continuing lessons through January speak with your teacher or contact Rhys on 0421 705 150 to take part in our Summer program. Lessons will be charged at 2024 rates.

2024 Term Dates

Term 1 – Monday January 22nd to Saturday 30th March.

Term 2 – Monday 15th April to Saturday June 22nd.

Term 3 – Monday 15th July to Saturday 21st September.

Term 4 – Monday 7th October to Saturday 14th December.

2024 Lesson Fees

Lesson fees for 2024:

Individual prepaid by the term – $35 per lesson.

Individual post lesson payment, fortnightly lesson, casual booking – $45 per lesson.

Please visit our lesson terms and conditions regarding cancellation policies and payment details.


Eastern Suburbs School of Music students continue to have high levels of success in music exams. Congratulations to our students who sat term 4 ANZCA exams. I am thrilled to announce of the five students that sat exams, four achieved results of First Class Honours (95 and above out of 100) and one honours (85 and above).

ANZCA exams run in term 2, 3 and 4 in 2024. AMEB exams run from April to November in 2024. Trinity College music exam dates will be added early 2024. I highly encourage students to consider taking an exam in 2024. Teachers will provide more information in lessons.

Band Workshop Program

It has been a challenge post lockdown to have teachers available for our band program. We have teachers committed to taking the program at both Boronia and Carrum Downs in 2024. This program gathers together students of like skill levels for coached one hour band rehearsals. We will do a call out for students of all ages to join our weekend band programs early in term 1.

I wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New Years period. I hope there are some new musical toys for everyone to bring to lessons next year!

See you in 2024
